Magalit Schedule
We offer classes for every level in both Gi and Nogi. Click the link below to sign up for your introductory class.
Drop-in Policy: To ensure a safe training environment for our students, our academy policy does not allow unannounced drop-ins. No exceptions. If you are not an enrolled student and would like to drop-in for a class, you must contact Coach Travis here to receive prior approval.
All Levels Class
All all levels classes are NoGi, as we are primarily a NoGi gym. This is the staple training session for students from beginner to advanced. Students follow a focused curriculum each month, progressing from week to week.
NoGi Fundamentals Class
White belts are people too! If you have anywhere from zero to 12 months of jiu jitsu experience, or want a refresher on fundamentals, this class is built for you. No experience required.
Kids Classes
Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays
There’s nothing like having fun and learning at the same time. Taught by head coach, Travis, our kids program instills invaluable life-skills such as confidence, positive mental attitude, perseverance and self-control.
Open Mat
This is our favorite weekend activity. Come for the entire time, or stop in for however long you can. This is an unstructured rolling session.
Private Lessons
By Appointment Only
The best investment you can make is investing in yourself. One student calls his 1-on-1 private lessons a “powerup” (like in video games) for his jiu jitsu—we couldn’t agree more.